Dragons!  OK, so I'm obsessed, so what!

These pages are under eternal construction...

Last updated on 10th October 2007.

So, what can be found here:

ME Just in case anyone is interested there is a page about me.
Links Other places on the internet that I found interesting.
HTML A guide on how to use HTML
Wyvern's Gallery A gallery of some of my brother's art work.

Yes, I know, a table is a bit dull but it will suffice for now till I can do something better.

Tina the Troubled Teen

Yeah, and I might even reply....
E-mail Me
And let me know what you think.


1. The buttons, bullets and bars found on these pages come from a variety of sites. These are:
A+ arts
Amber's Dragon Lair
Abed's icon collection

Dee Dreslough's page
Though only the last still seems to be functional

2. I am a great fan of Anne MacCaffrey's books and material from her books (including 'Weyr') will appear on these pages. All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey’s fiction are copyright © Anne McCaffrey 1967-2007, all rights reserved.

© 2007 heprax_shoda@yahoo.com

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Yep! I even found a Dragon picture for this too!
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