Divatron's Web Site!

Hi all! Welcome to my web site. Yeah, I know the title is pretty obvious, isn't it? But...it was the one I gave it way back when it first got started, so I figured I'd just keep it. In my web site, you'll find lots and lots of my artwork. There's probably something for everybody here. In my site you'll find Beast Wars fanart, horse drawings, a whole bunch of furry art, and an endless list of other stuff. Let me know if there is anything you'd like to see!


What's New! Last Update: 2/03/2004
-Find out what's new since your last visit!
Requested Drawings
- Contains drawings requested by friends and visitors
Beast Wars FanArt
- Contains fanart of the Original Beast Wars cast, as well as some other people's original characters.
My Original Beast Wars Characters
- Contains drawings and profiles on some of the many characters which I have created for my fanfiction series.
Stuff I Draw After Watching Too Many Cartoons
- Exactly as the link claims. This page contains some stuff that I happened to draw after watching too many Disney cartoons in a row.
Miscellaneous Drawings
- A large number of drawings that don't really fit in any specific area. Contains everything from landscapes to furry art and everything else in between.
Horse Drawings
- Contains drawings of horses. Nothing in particular, just a bunch of horses :)
The Shewolf Series
- A large collection of furry art. Mostly wolves with some domestic dogs here and there.
My Useless Animated GIFs
- A collection of animated GIFs that I've created. Just a bunch of things at random, from a color changing wolf, to a lioness licking her nose.
All Dogs Go To Heaven 2 Fan Art
- Fan Art from the movie "All Dogs Go To Heaven 2".
Meet Crysta and Wolfgang
- Meet the two canines of my own creation. Crysta is a Wolf/German Shepherd and Wolfgang is a Doberman. A while back I thought about writing a story to go with them... and I may just do it yet if I ever get around to it :)


Request A Drawing
- Request a drawing from me. Just click the above link and follow the rules to request a drawing that you'd like me to do for you. Discontinued Due to lack of time to draw
Adopted Critters!
- Click above to pay a visit to my adopted cyberpets!
The Message Board
- Click above to visit my message board! Post a message and say "Hi!" if ya like. I love to hear from my visitors!
- Visit the links page! If you're interested, it also has a feature that allows you to add a link back to your own web site.
View The Guestbook!||Sign The Guestbook!
- View/Sign my guestbook if you like. I'd sure appreciate it! :)