Real name: J'onn J'onzz (John Jones)
Age: NA
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 300
Hair: None
Eyes: Black
Enemies: The Hyperclan
Powers: Super strength, Telepathy, Shape shifting, Martain vision (Like heat vision, only Martian vision, screwy aint it?)
Skills: Excellent team coordinator, exceptional detective.
Weapons: None
Origin: Hailing from the planet of Mars (Hence "Martian Manhunter") J'onn was the last survivor of the planet, or so he and everyone else thought. Truth was there was still a small group of white martians roaming the galaxy, but thats another story altogether, so anyway J'onn came to Earth seeking refuge from the destuction of his people. He became a detective (Using his shape shifting abilitys of course, silly, what police dept. in the world would hire a 6 foot, seven Martian) and began calling himself......John Jones, how clever of him, his name pronounced in Martian!, the man is a Prodigy!!!! oh yeah, and he's been a member of every incarnation of the JLA thusfar. oh yeah, another thing he losses all his powers when near fire so everyone on the JLA can kick his ass.
Power Level:
Strength: 9
Speed: 9
Stamina: 8
Intelligence: 8
Energy Projection: 6
Fighting Ability: 3
Total: 43