As a matter of fact, I AM a Rocket Scientist!

Here are some of my rockets.

The rocket on the far right is my semi-scale WAC Corporal.


My NCR Archer on the Pad just prior to liftoff.


This is my NCR Archer XL after its maiden flight.


This is the Archer lifting off under H-128 power.


One of my favorite rockets, "Dancing Bears"

This is a THOY Falcon, finished in Trim Monokote


My Super Big Bertha on the pad ready to launch


My LOC Legacy on the pad


Bill's High-power Fleet.

From left to right, Estes Super Big Bertha, THOY Robin, LOC Graduator, LOC Aura, THOY Nighthawk, LOC Legacy, and Aerotech Mustang.


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