Have we been introduced?

Want to get a conversation heated up? Ask which is the best sci-fi movie, Blade Runner or Star Wars.

How about asking which Obi-Wan you prefer, the older or the younger?

You can fall back on the classic battle--Star Wars vs. Star Trek (in any of its incarnations). Or add in one of the newer shows--Stargate SG1 or Battlestar Gallactica.

Frankly I think they all have their good points and their bad ones.

On to other topics, work-related. My work site is available here. The syllabus for a course I teach on information technologies is available here, the latest one for a course on technology can be found here, one for a course on Information Processing here, and one for a course on the fundamentals of Information Technology here. Some information for a presentation at the 2002 Computers in Libraries conference can be found here. The resources for workshops I have done on cataloging can be found here. Look here for other information.

Links to other sites on the Web

The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5, the BEST Bab5 site around
The Klingon Language Institute
The SciFi Channel
TUCOWS--anyone on the 'Net should check out this site

These are my personal opinions only. -- Denise A. Garofalo

Last updated February 18, 2009.

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