Mates Ch.9

"Under no curcomstance will we allow anyone on you vessel to violate that area!" The 'Good Will Ambassador' exclaimed for the uptenth time. "We have no other option." Tuvok said calmly from the head of the breifing room table. "We have explored all options and we can find no other way to preceed. The lives of our Captain and First Officer are at extreme risk. If we do not get to them soon, the Doctor has informed me, they may die-" "Will die," the doctor interupted Tuvok...for the uptenth time "My research and data show that their systems may burn out, if this were to happen there would be no way their bodies could sustaine energy enough for their respatory, cardiac, and mental systems to keep functioning-in other words Ambassador" the doctor said when he realised the medical intellegence of the ambassador was infereor to that of even Mr.Paris "They will go into shock, their lungs will implode onto themselve and expirence a heart attack so intense their hearts will turn to liquid." Their was a deafening silence as everyone in the room took a moment to contemplate this rather gross and desturbing information. After a preagnet pause, Tuvok stood, "And so you see Ambassador; there is no other choice. We must find and treat them before it's to late." the ambassador stood also and faced doen the doctor; Tuvok being to intemadating as an opponate. "You said they may die and now say they will die! How can you properly gain reliable data when you cannot make up your mind!" The doctor may be a hallogram but he wasn't about to be insulted by this pompous 'so called' ambassadore of Goodwill!!! However before the Doctor could reply, he was interrupted by Tuvok, "The Doctor, is a very knowledgeable physician whose oppinon and sugestions highly valued-" "Not by me!!" The Ambassadore shouted, "You will not contaminate uor soil and we will see to that!" the ambassadore snarled. "Talk about true colors." Tom Paris said casually from his seat. "Quite infedele!!!" The ambassadore shouted at him, only to see the young woman with the ridges on her head stand and move twords him slowly but aggressivly. "That will be all lutenutes; ensigns." Tuvok said calmly. Torres looked at him, "Yes sir." " Security?" Tuvok said and nodded twords the ambassadore when the two security officers steped forward."See our Guest to his quaters for the remaining one and a half days he is schedulaled to be onboard." The Ambassadores face turned from a greenish tent to a loud neon orange, "You can't do this-" he was sputtering as he was being lead out and Tuvok nodded twords the remaining officers with a clipped "Dissmissed".

Kathryn Janeway was trying not to chuckle as she thought of what she must look like. A grown woman collecting food for hibernation like a forest animal! She gigled as a thought entered her mind 'At least I'm not storring them in my mouth like squirrel...YET!'. Kathryn Janeway was so involved in her thoughts and food storage she didn't know that her first officer was stalking her. Lounging on a fallen tree thirteen yards down river watching her work and play. And niether knew of the traps set up by their hosts whom they were about to meet.

"We have them!!!" a youmg and pretty woman called to her supiereor across the laboratory. We have both creatures were we want them." She said smiling. Her face flushe neon orange in excitement. "Good work Laejae" he said pleased that his lover and protaguie was so well skilled...both proffessionally and personally. "Now," he said "What is the statis of their crew?" "They are still trying to 'negociate' with ambassadore," she snickered "A Herf." "Good. Now bring the creatures here. The female has managed to evade him for the most part, he'll need a..." he contemplated which word to use "taste of her soon." "Yes sure" the young woman said in a seductive voice before she turned and walked away, swinging her hips in the way she knew made him burn for her.

Someone was nuzzeling her breast, was the first think Kathryn noticed as she came to. A very familar sent invaded her senses as she looked up into the eyes of her unwanted suitor Well not completely unwanted she thought beofe she regained her senses. She jumped up, nocking him off balance and backed away by leaps until she hit a cold wall with air cicles the size of her thumb length in it. "So your awake at last" a dissembodied voice said from outside. "Do try to relax, you'll only trier yourself out." "Why would you care?!" she roared at the voice "Because we need you strong come the next alignment of the full moons...and so you won't be to seriously damaged." "What are you planning to do to me?!" she demanded trying to figure out where the voice was coming from. "Not me my dear; your mate." said the voice matter-of-factly. Kathryn slowly turned to the sound of heavy panting, and saw Chakotay and from his look she knew he eighther wanter to fuck her until she passed out or he had had his fill of her and she didn't know which would come first, though she knew it probaly wouldn't be him getting enough. As soon as the thought went through her mind the bar wall that had seperated them was removed and Chakotay stalked twords her...