The Mystic Federation

Welcome to The Mystic Federation a division of the greater Clan Mystic
Clan Mystic exists on several games and has its own home page

Clan Mystic Home Page
Parlin's Help Guide
under construction

If there are other links you want here PM me.

Artifact List

5/1/04- Mystic is born on Space Fed
This day shall henceforth be a world holiday!

5/7/04- myempire is welcomed into the Federation

5/8/04- Golddan, Blahme, and Yogaria are welcomed into the Federation


This site is still being built

Leader of Space Fed Division of Clan Mystic

Leader & founder of Clan Mystic on other games

Recruiter for Mystic on Space Fed

Faithful Follower (per his request)

Yogaria- If you want a Job come up with one and PM me