The Nobility of Rolehaven, Past and Present

This is the history and lineage of Rolehaven's Nobles according to the kingdoms Bard, Pippin Red Apple. It will change with the times and be added upon. If there is ever any doubt on who the true nobles have been, this text shall bring to light those few that earned and hold the title of nobility.

The Reign of King Gareth

Being the first King of Rolehaven, King Gareth took it upon himself to establish those nobles that would serve him and better his kingdom. At the beginning of his reign there were no nobles of the King's blood. Seeing a need to institute nobility into his ranks he allowed adventurers of Rolehaven the chance to join him in his rule. Of the first Nobles were, Sir Janvier De Belvois, Sir Pierre De Belvois and Sir Carion Valere with the highest noble under King Gareth being Baron Dairogan. Also Bran McCain was made a knight soon after.

With speed, Pierre and Janvier became the reigning princes of Rolehaven while Carion Valere became the Duke. Baron Dairogan was content to stay as a Baron and did not pursue furthering his title.

After several months King Gareth decided that he would need an aire to his thrown and they must be named officially. He held a tournament for the princes that lasted several months, giving them tests to decide who would better sit on his thrown when he was no longer available or deceased.
After many tests Prince Pierre was named Prince Regent and Prince Janvier and Duke Carion Valere swore their undying fealty to him.

Soon after these tests, Sir Bran McCain also earned the title of Prince.

Sometime ago Prince Janvier and Prince Bran McCain arrived in Rolehaven once more after fighting in the horrible war against the temple of chaos to correct some of the wrongs being done to the people of Rolehaven. Prince Pierre also visited our realm at a later time and helped in defeating a group of Orcs that were slaying Rolehavens populace. Duke Carion Valere has not been seen since the war.

Baron Dairogan's Reign.

After the disappearence of King Gareth during the Chaos war, Baron Dairogan took the remnants of Rolehaven and began to put them back together, though not a kingdom any longer Rolehaven became a small Baronry, with over half of its former residences slain or never heard from again the town was in need of new rulership. Baron Dairogan as reigning noble of this land took it upon himself to rule the small town. Helping restore it to its former glory has been the Barons main cause for over 2 years.

Until recently there were no nobles of Rolehaven other than the Baron. But in light of Rolehavens slow but steady growth Dairogan has chosen to re-establish a noble line. Creating new laws and land grants making the ability to join the noble elite a possibility once more.

At this time only one Knight of Rolehaven has given the oath of fealty and has been made an official noble, Sir Athame Inlin Elile.

Currently there is talk of several others moving towards the ranks of nobility but only time will tell if they become one of Rolehavens noble leaders.

By Pippin Red Apple, Bard Extrodanaire. 1