Current Sheriff: Sir Cadwgan Pen
Devlin A Wolfsheart
Last: Dahkarn AKA Reuben the Rogue
A short history on the lawmen above:
Sir Cadwgan Pen follower of Queen Mab (His Deity) has recently come into the position of Sheriff. So far he is reinstituting fines for lesser crimes and will introduce a new punishment called banishment for sever offences. Time will tell more of his reign.
Devlin A Wolfsheart had a full reign and was just and fair in his dealings with law breakers. He instituted the permit system for weapons rogues and other occurences.
Most recently Dahkarn graciously handed down the title of sherrif early to Devlin A Wolfsheart. Dahkarn states that his attention must be placed into his own group known as the Battle Mages.
During Athame's reign the most notable thing was that he was asked to step down from office or be overthrown. After not agreeing to this blackmail a campaign was started against him and he soon chose to step down from office honorably.
Borgle's reign was met with little friction, he instated the first use of fines for crimes instead of jail time or death.