Sith's Guide to Legal Trickery

In my time playing Sith I have realized that in order to have fun as a rogue (especially as an assassin) you have to learn how to deal with the Law. There are many ways to do this, In this guide I plan to tell you some I have discovered.

PART ONE: LEGAL TRICKERY In many occasions you will end up killing some one in a stealthily way (backstabbing, stealth kill, contact poison) and the victim will go to the law. This creates a problem if they can explain how they found out it was you, then you need a trick.
Stealth Kill- Ok you have just stealth killed a guy and no one else is around. They can now say that if no one else was there you must have done it. Ok then you pick up a stick and jam it in the wound pointed side up. Then think up a story, “I was walking and talking with him and he tripped onto a sharp stick.” You are now a lot better off if not cleared of your, “crime.”
Truth Spells- So they caught you and they have a priest cast truth on you. No problem truth only works for the answer to the direct question! This means if they ask you, “did you kill this man” you say “ yes, (the only part of the statement that has to be true!) But he started the combat.” You are now cleared of your, “crime.”
Jail Time- There are two options at this point. One do your jail time (loser), or two use the Thieves Guild to break you out. Jailbreaks have worked well in the past (that is for me) and that way you will enjoy the game much more!
Tricks. The most used thing in Sith’s past. The tricks I am about to give you are not all of my own invention! I would like to thank Jeremy, Max, Alex, Kevan, and Pat for helping me out every Sunday!
Hand taps- In a one on one combat this can be a trick to winning the combat. Just quickly smack um on the hand that is holding their sword and they must change hands!

More to Come! 1