Bring on the Night

by Jay and Don Davis

Bring on the Night isn't the best vamp novel I've ever read, but it certainly isn't the worst. It's the story of a cop named Coglin, a psychic professor with the unlikely name of Alexandra Castle, a morgue attendant named Corky, an alcoholic reverend who hunts vampires and, of course, a vampire. Coglin is a guy's guy and a bright spot in the story, although he's sometimes used as a prop to promote the authors' favorite Marx Brothers comedies. Corky the morgue attendant turned Renfield is another bright spot--he might be the sickest character of the pack. "You are truly the most morbid human I've ever met," the vampire notes.

The story suffers from chronic fatigue syndrome, dragging on and on. Characters are introduced and followed for several chapters for the sole purpose of being killed off later on. Alexandra Castle is unrelentingly joyless, causing one to wonder exactly what all these men find so attractive about her. The book's end is less than satisfying, but it's almost worth reading just to meet Corky and the vampire's warped step-daughter, Lacey.

Vampire of the Month Club