~Welcome to House Silver Oak~

You are TheCounterPerson to Visit This Castle!

I am Your Hostess or Chatelaine Lady Anne Chevalle

My Interests Are Many and Varied:

Mostly the S.C.A. & Medieval Music/Fantasy Role Games
Figure Painting & Gaming Accessories/Building Gaming Terrain
Indiana Jones/Star Wars/Babaylon5/Battlestar Galactica

This Site Is in Not Meant to Be An Infringement on Any Policy Set Forth By the S.C.A. and is Meant Hopefully to be Usefull In Its Offerings of Fact and Fantasy as Used By This House; Enjoy!

*This Site Contains Alot of Images and Sounds That Are Worth the Wait So Enjoy!*

~The Keep of House Silver Oak~

I signed up on 04/23/98 19:49:17, and Our Keep is still Under Construction in certain areas!
So Please Bear With Us As This is My FIRST Webpage!
Last UPDATED August 24, of 2005!

The House of Silver Oak is Located in the Shire of Vakkerfjell, In the Principality of Cynauga, In the Kingdom of The West. We Have Been Members (most of us) Since 1975.

The Keep of Silver Oak sits on a Raised Knoll or Mound Surrounded By a Small Moat. As you Approach You Hear Click Here, That Announces Your Arrival at The Keep.

As you Enter the Keep of House Silver Oak you will pass over the

and through the defense tunnel of the barbician, and then into the courtyard of the keep; where the sevants, guards and Members of the House as well as visitors go about their way during the daily goings on of the keep Under the Great Oak Tree that is the Dominant feature of the Courtyard next to the Keep well, where water is drawn.

If you Arrived on Horse one of the servants greets you at the entrance and offers to care for your steed. Another servant greets you..Click Here, Welcome to Keep Silver Oak.. As he bows politely.

There are several passages and doors that can offer insight as to the goings on of the keep, Please Enjoy yourself..As Our Guest!

Once you Have Entered the Main Entrance Hall You Find Many Doors that Lead To Many Rooms And Areas of Interest....Don't Get Lost!

Click on Links to Enter Rooms!

As you Approach the Large Double Iron-Bound Oaken Doors you Hear the Sounds of Laughter and Music from Within. This is the Heart of the Keep of Silver Oak, and is Used for Entertaining guests, as a Law Court, and as Office for the Lords and Ladies of the House.

~House Members Sites to Visit~

~The Keep Barracks~

Here you will find the House Protectors, Friends and Champions of Honor, The Horsemen of Judgement Keep; who will Always Hold a Place of Honor in Our Keep!

The Horsemen of Judgment Keep
The Horsemen's Cryer!
The Horsemens Quarters-Rianon

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