Trouble in River City is a new cartoon on the web, written by Jack Mileur of the University of California, Riverside. This comic strip deals with the various issues in college life as seen through the eyes of Jack Dinero, a lowly freshman who is constantly taunted by pressures both inside and out. Watch Dinero and his friends share in the ups and downs of what the university experience has to offer, and laugh yourself silly in the process. I tried to update this page every week but it didn't work out. Sorry to all of those who were trying to keep track of the story. I promise I will come back later with new panels, characters and stories. But for now, it was a task just getting this webpage afloat! Have fun with what you see.
Here's this week's cartoon:
View the cartoons of past weeks:
Comments, questions, suggestions? E-mail the cartoonist at, or you can sign my guestbook.