Jack's Friendly Friends

Here are pictures of some of the people who I consider to be friends, who have stood by me through the years and put up with my many emotional quirks! I dedicate this page as a shrine to them. If you are my friend and your picture is not included on my page, tell me and send me your picture so you can be here too!

Kate and Stephen at the dorm hall dance.  Stephen doesn't like this picture, but Kate thinks it's cute.
Here is my sister, Kate (AKA AngelTenshi), and her boyfriend, Stephen. Kate has been my best friend ever since we were babies. She is only 10 months younger than me. Stephen has also been a good friend. Visit Kate's web site at this location.

This is Julie. She is only 17, but she has a wisdom and a maturity beyond her years. She's also very cute. Visit her here.

Sunset on the beach
This is Elisabeth, a very sweet friend of mine who lives in Massachusetts. I met her on DALnet IRC. She is a very kind and understanding person; she must be if she can put up with me! I'd really like to meet her someday... who knows, maybe I will.

Princess Coo Coo
This is the impeccable Miss Lady Wildesette. I met her on #bbw DALnet. She's a very cool lady. She's even made it onto the Wannabe Models section of Dimensions Magazine. She has been a true friend, despite our many differences. Her advice and counsel have been invaluable. Visit her home page and tell her that Jack sent you.

Poet Girl
This is Jessica, another cool lady that I have met on Dalnet. She's an incredible poet... and a great friend. I am in her debt forever for all the love she's shown me.

This is Kim, another lady who I have had the pleasure of meeting on Yahoo Chat. She is from Canada. She writes very creative stories that I truly enjoy reading. She is truly a character.

This is Patricia, one of the few women online that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting in the flesh. I admire her honesty and her non-conformist mind above all else. You can visit her online world here.

Angi on her graduation day
This is Angela, one of the few women I know at UCR that I have ever had the pleasure of talking to online *hehehe*... She was always there to comfort me when things looked down. But she graduated before I could return the favor...

My prayer group from last year
This is the craziest group of Jesus freaks that I have ever encountered. Last year, when I was a freshman, these guys invited me to a prayer group where they taught me all about Christ. I made the hardest and easiest decision I had ever made with these guys, to follow Christ. From the left, there is Jackie, Eric, Kim, Beau, Alex, me, Dave, and Namita.

More friends to come...

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