onLoad="window.onresize=new Function('if (navigator.appVersion==\'Netscape\') history.go(0);');">
Hi, I'm John, and this is a page all about me.
I have Tick tack toe and Video Poker at the bottem.
Info on me
Name: John Christopher Patterson
Age: 23
Weight: 245lbs
Blood Type: B+
Date of Birth:
4-5-79 in Phoenix AZ
Work: Life line youth and famly services
Car: 1996 Jeep cherokee
School:Grace college
Hobbies: Reading, Video Games, Role Playing,  and basket ball (b-ball for the hip)
The British may not be as proper as you were lead to believe.
Suggested Reading
1. Neverwhere
2. The man who was thursday
3. 1984
4. Star Dust
5. The Brothers Karamazov
6. Cats cradel
Check out my links page
Why it is inportant to look at the big picture.
"Time is the best teacher, unfortunately it kills all of its students."
The guestbook is dead long live the message board.
Let me know you were here.
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My game page
Movies I like
1. Braveheart
2. Any of the Indiana Jones movies.
3. Spiderman
4. The matrix
5. Lord of the rings
6. Fight club.
7.Any Jackie Chan movie made after 1985.
1. Counting crows
2. They might be Giants
3. Wilco
4. Better than Ezra
5. Guster
6. Radiohead
7. Fast bal
8. Dave Mathews band
Hey I am geting married! There are pictures of my bride ot be in the pictures page
Cara Kemprer's (my fiance) websight
Thanks for stoping hopefully I'll update the sight more regulaty now.