Welcome to Psimon's Keep!

I am Psimon, humble Monk of the Eightfold Path.

I and my brothers are currently building the humble dwelling you see before you.

Please, help yourself to some refreshment!

My interests are:
Fantasy/Scifi Role Playing, UNIX, and Technology

The description of my page is:
Fantasy Role Playing
Scifi/Fantasy Interests & Reviews
My Own Not So Humble Opinions (grin)

Please read the Credits and Disclaimers. This is a non-profit site, and is intended for folks with the same love for Science Fiction and Fantasy RolePlaying.


The Gallery (Fantasy Art)

The Archives (RPG Materials)

The Workshop (View Psimon's Latest Projects!)

Psimon's Quest Room (Live Chat)

Online Characters

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

Credits And Disclaimers

You are our VIP to visit here!

Please,Email Psimon if you require counsel.

This place is, as I said, under construction...always under construction. View the workshop to see what I'm working on now!

This page was last modified: November 30th, 1998

Psimon Bows Gracefully.

Don't Mind Zshular, he's just Hungry again!

To hear some of Z's favorite songs: Click here


Please touch the Elder Sign, and awaken Zshular's Sponsor!

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