House of the Damned
If you can see this, you have too much time on your hands.

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These are just the most adorable little flames!! The House of the DamnedI can't believe how cute they are!

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YAY! to all of you who were so worried about me...all three of you... I appreciate your concern. I have been away at grad school in NYC and then mysteriously locked out of my website. But I am back! And I have loved being your bludgeoner at the House of the Damned, but perhaps it is time for all that to change. Or not. We'll see. I am busy and I am lazy, so don't get your hopes up too high. Anyway.... hi! Oh yeah, and I should start working on that damnded story again. Argh. It's finished...except for the second half of the middle...

Another update May 2006, contrary to popular belief, I am still alive. Still busy, still lazy. Working my tail off at a cemetery this summer (yes, ironic) so perhaps you will hear more from me soon...the three of you who still visit the site, that is. Chow! PS--there is a certain someone somewhere out there in Maine that I was extremely unkind to some years ago. If you don;t still hate me, I'd love to hear from you--you know the email addy.

The Cracker Manifesto

Just some insane thoughts that came to me in line at the cinema.
Anyone hoping for a sequel...

Eat gubment cheese!Archive

There's more than one story here. Ooooooo....

Works By My Favourite Poets

Selected poetry that I feel has meaning, value, and does indeed make the world a better place.


Perhaps the greatest written work of all time, a piece of sheer literary brilliance by the master of dramatism himself, William Shakespeare, complied here in it complete and unadulterated form with partial, original blocking and philisophical comments by the Bludgeoner. (Yes, I do read when I'm not out bludgeoning idiots.)

The Chicken Lesson
La Le�on de Poulet

A sampling of French culture coupled with an unhealthy obsession with chickens.


Quotes and sayings from the people most important in my life.
It has come to my attention that Jose Cuervo was indeed Spanish!
It seems that in the late 1700s, he was the first person to obtain the legal right to sell tequila.
I apologise for any inconvenience that this mix-up may have caused.


Brand new pictures of the world's greatest cat, Ivan! Sidenote: I just saw "Cats and Dogs" and now more than ever I'm convinced my cat is trying to take over the world-- for the rest of that story, see the Cracker Manifesto.



I love opera music! You love opera music too, you just don't know it yet. Click here to find out your favourite opera by my favourite composer Verdi!

Back by Popular Demand:

Das Phraseuseful Duetchs!!

Due to the popularity of the other foreign language segments, I bring you...

El Spanisho Funetiko

I can be reached at

By signing the guestbook you become flesh property of the Bludgeoner...not as much of a treat as it sounds...Leave your eternal mark on the (spooky voice) Guestbook of the Damned.

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View the old guestbook...Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

God save the Queen! Counter mortals have been damned.

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