Spindles, Bees & Dragons  New! Scanned images of the Package and instructions from  the Ral Partha model: "The Bronze Dragon of Pern" A rare Pern collectable.
The files are large and may take a while to download
Page 1- Package
Page 2- Instructions 1
Page 3 Instructions 2
Hello, My name  is Ellen, and here are some sketches of my characters from Greenwing Cove/ Buenos Weyr, a pern based RPG, and The Otherforest:  An elfquest based RPG  (Both on Yahoo.)    
     I also keep bees, spin, and work as a Textile technologist at
Kmart International Headquarters
More stuff will be coming as I have a chance to input it
The Dyeplants of Pern
Are you a weaver?
Ever wondered what Dyes were available on pern?  Well Here are a few answers.....

To the Dyes....
Notes From My Pennsic  Class on Top Bar Hives
Favorite Links:
Greenwing Cove/ Buenos Weyr
Michigan Handspinners
Mijath, My hatchling dragon at Buenos Weyr
Email me!
Buenos Weyr Homepage
Come and Visit
Greenwing Cove/ Buenos Weyr

The Hatching Cast
The Weyrfolk