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The Blue Flower
by Chasmyr
Located at 7,7
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a bloody the Blue Flower is a brothel found in one of the many pleasure districts of the City of Mirrors. This house of ill repute serves a second function as well. It is the lair of a pack of Vampyres who are living off the scum of society dwelling in the City of Mirrors. No one has yet escaped their hunger, once chosen to die. They have been maintaining the appearance of a successful brothel for many years now. Occasionally rumors of people from ship's crews disappearing here have surfaced, but they have never been proven to any ones satisfaction.
Description: This is a two-story building with a balcony overhanging the fountain square. Harlots of both sexes can often be seen to lean forth from its balcony and beckoning to passers-by both day and night. Quite a bit of negotiable business is done here.
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