a seperator line
a ferry....
a seperator line
Gheildar's Ferry Service
by Chasmyr
Located at 9.10 and 15,12
a seperator line
a bloody sun by a human F7 named Gheildar, and his three sons, this ferry service provides cheap and inexpensive transport across the harbor. Gheildar owns six, single-oared vessels, capable of carrying 12 people(10 passengers, 1 crewman, 1 pilot). A total of four ferries may be running at any one time, and are usually running 24 hours a day. Each trip across the harbor averages thirty minutes, with a ferry leaving about every fifteen minutes. The cost is 2cp/person, paid upon boarding.
Persons fighting upon a vessel, or otherwise endangering the vessel, crew or passengers, will be ejected over the side into the harbor. Gheildar is commonly held to be one of the strongest men in the City of Mirrors.
North Landing is located at 9,10 with buildings J,K,L,M are owned and used by Gheildar, but are not open to customers. This is the North Landing.
South Landing is located at 15,12 with buildings RR,SS,TT,UU,VV,WW are owned and used by Gheildar, but are not open to customers. This is the South Landing.
Click here to download an zipped file containing the .fcw map of Gheildar's Ferry Landings. It can only be used with Campaign Mapper or Campaign Cartographer 2.
a seperator line