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Weather on Mysaniti
by Chasmyr
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After the creation of Hells Gap, the weather within Moradin's Basin became extremely dangerous for many years. The storm's caused by this were called hell-storms and were frequently accompanied by wild magic effects. These storms still rage in the Blades of Winter for some reason. Fortunately, the weather has mostly stabilized throughout the basin. Stories still abound of people and creatures being changed in freak storms near Hells Gap...

In game terms, a hell-storm is an extremely cold blizzard, accompanied by a wild magic zone encompassing the storm. Any magic use within the storm is 90% likely to cause a wild surge. Furthermore, persons and animals are 5% likely to be affected by a polymorph effect changing their form and mind into some horrific beast. Often, after the storm is past, areas of planar transposed land are found where the storm has passed. These areas are rarely more than 10' in diameter. Any planar effects associated with this land normally disabates within a week. Due to this peculiar effect, all other-planar magic items that are not native to the Abyss(see Hells Gap about this) are 10% likely to be considered on their home plane on any given week.

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