Personal Information
Name: Alexander Player: douglas gordy
Race: Human Gender: Male Height: 5'9" Weight: 176 lbs
Class: Psionicist Level: 5 Alignment: Lawful Good
XP: 16,500 Next Level: 30,000
Kit: Spy
Ability Scores
Str: 10 Stamina: 9 Weight Allowance: 35 lbs Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 4%
Muscle: 12 Attack Adj.: +0 Damage Adj.: +0 Max. Press: 140 lbs Open Doors: 7
Dex: 17 Aim: 21 Missile Adjustment: +4 Pick Pockets: +20% Open Locks: +25%
Balance: 21 Reaction Adjustment: +4 Armor Class: -5 Move Silently: +20% Climb Walls: +20%
Con: 16 Health: 22 System Shock: 99% Poison Save: +2
Fitness: 20 Hit Point Adjustment: +2(+5) (Minimum roll 2) Resurrection Chance: 100%
Int: 18 Reason: 18 Max. Spell Level: 9th Max. Spells Per Level: 18 Illusion Immunity: None
Knowledge: 25 Bonus Proficiencies: 20 Chance to Learn New Spell: 100%
Wis: 18 Intuition: 18 Bonus Clerical Spells: 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 Clerical Spell Failure Chance: 0%
Willpower: 25 Magic Defense Adjustment: +4 Spell Immunity: Class 7
Cha: 7 Leadership: 3 Loyalty Base: -6 Maximum Number of Henchmen: 1
Appearance: 25 Initial Reaction Adjustment: +14
Saving Throws
Paralyzation: 12 Poison: 12 Death Magic: 12 Petrification: 10 Polymorph: 10
Rod: 13 Staff: 13 Wand: 13 Breath Weapon: 15 Spell: 14
Hit Points: 82
Base THAC0: 18
Melee THAC0: 18
Missile THAC0: 14
Natural armor class 8
Full armor, leather +1 -1
Magic Armor adj. -1
Balance Defensive adj. -5
Weapon Proficiencies
Crossbow, hand (Expert, Chosen Weapon, Master)
Full armor, leather
Sword, scimitar
Non-Weapon Proficiencies
Harness Subconscious 12
Meditative Focus 13
Reading/Writing 13
Rejuvination 11
Engineering 10
Riding, Land 13
Navigation 11
Orienteering 12
Seamanship 13
Swimming 9
Gaming 10
Native Languages
Common, Elf
THAC0 Attacks/ Speed Damage Range (-2) (-5)
Weapon Melee Missile Round Factor Sm-Med Large Type Size Short Medium Long
Sword, scimitar +1 17 1 4 1d8+1 1d8+1 S M
Racial Abilities
Balance bonus - +1 bonus to the Balance subability.
Experience bonus - +5% experence point bonus.
Health bonus - +1 bonus to the Health subability score.
Hit point bonus - +1 bonus hit point for every time a level is attainted.
Tough hide - Base AC is 8.

Class Abilities
    Armor Use - May use light armor.
    Attack Mode of Choice -
    Guarded Mind -
    Hit Point Bonus -
    Mental Defense -
    Penetrating Mind -
    PSP bonus -
    Psychic Adept -
    Range Boost -
    Weapon Specialization -
    Weapon Use -

Alertness - +1 bonus to suprise rolls.
Ambidexterity - reduces two weapon fighting penalty by 2.
Fast Healer - 1 hit point is regained 2d12 rounds after wound is taken. Character heals 2 hit points per night of rest.
Keen Eyesight - +1 bonus on to hit rolls for missle weapons when attacking at long range. The character acts as if they were one sight catagory closer with respect to information gained.
Keen Hearing - +1 bonus to suprise rolls when sound may be a factor. Hear Noise checks are granted a +10% bonus.
Precise Memory - With a minimal amount of studying, any object may be memorized perfectly. If the reading/writing proficiency is possessed, written material may also be memorized.

Allergies - The character must make a Wisdom/Willpower check when silence is necessary in the wilderness.
Bad Tempered - Chracter must make a Wisdom/Willpower check when insulted. If check fails, the chracter will insult the person back.
Deep Sleeper - Character requires 1d6 to awaken, and will only begin to do so after a very loud noise or physical prodding.
Phobia: Darkness - Each time the character is presented with their phobia, they must make a Wisdom/Willpower check every 2d6 rounds they are exposed to it. If failed, the character must flee the source of the phobia for 1d6 rounds, and must make another check. All checks are made at half ability score if the phobia is severe.
Compulsive Honesty - Wisdom/Willpower check must be sucessful for character to act deceitful, and will only attempt to lie in a life or death situation.

  • Animals
    • Horse, riding
  • Items Carried
    • Backpack
    • Bell x2
    • Deck of Many Things, 13 Cards
    • Flint and steel x2
    • Oil, lamp (per flask) x10
    • Parchment (per sheet) x8
    • Perfume (per vial)
    • Perfume (per vial)
    • Potion of Giant Control (Frost)
    • Potion of Invisiblity
    • Quiver
    • Rope, silk (50 ft)
    • Sack, large
    • Sack, large
    • Sack, small
    • Sack, small
    • Sewing needle
  • Items Readied
    • Sword, scimitar +1
  • Items Stored
    • Lantern, bullseye
    • Saddle bags, large
    • Saddle blanket
    • Saddle, riding
  • Items Worn
    • Belt
    • Boots, riding
    • Fine fur cloak
    • Full armor, leather +1
    • Pouch
  • Spending Money
    • * Copper Pieces x13
    • * Gold Pieces x10
    • * Platinum Pieces x4
    • * Silver Pieces x97
PSPs: 201 MTHAC0: 16 MAC: -2
Devotions: 11 Sciences: 4 Disciplines: 3
Power PSPs Range Area of Effect MAC
Psychokinetic (Primary)
Telekinesis 3+/1 30 yards 1 Item 8
Disintegrate 30/10 50 yards one item or 8 cubic feet 7
Detonate 15/5 60 yards 1 Item, 8 cubic feet 5
Kinetic Control 8/3 0 personal 7
Inertial Barrier 6/2 0 3-yard diameter 6
Levitation 5/2 0 Personal 8
Molecular Agitation 7/3 40 yards 1 Item, 20 pounds 10
Cryokinesis 5/2 30 yards one object or creature 7
Soften 3/1 30 yards 1object of 10 lbs. or less. 8
Concentrate Water 10/3 0 10 yard radius sphere 6
Control Sound 3/1 100 yards 1 specific sound 5
Control Light 6/2 25 yards 400 square feet 8
Control Flames 4/2 40 yards 10 sq. ft. 8
Create Sound 5/2 100 yards Special 7
Psychoportive (Primary)
Phase Object 6/3 20 yards one object 9
Phase 6/2 0 Personal 10
Dimensional Door 3/1 50+ yards Not applicable 7

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