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Level 4 Priest Prayers

Flame Mantle 
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Flame Mantle (Enchantment/Charm)

Range: = Touch 
Duration: = 5rds. +1rnd/lvl
Casting Time: = 4
Area of Effect: = 1 artical of clothing(cloak)
Saving_Throw: = NONE
Materials: = V,S,M
Discoverer: = Renrac Kered

a bloody flame Mantle is a Elemental spell of fire. Upon successful casting of this spell the recipiants non-magical cloak or robe is consummed bymagical fire. For the duration of the spell the fire retains the shape and sizeof the consummed item, upon completion of this spell the fire fades tonothingness. Once cast the recipiant can't remove the fire as it is magicallyconnected to his body. Only a successful Dispel Magic or at the casters wishwill the fire extinguish. The mantle imbues the recipient with Protection fromFire, as per the third level priest spell. It also imparts a +2 saving throwbonus against Cold-Based magical attacks and total immunity to natural cold. Anycreature attempting to engage the holder of the Mantle in close combat willrecieve 1d4+1/casters level of fire damage per round of engagment.
This spell was invented by Alora Celest, a cleric priestess of Sol, god of fire and light.
The original application of this spell wasn't even a spell at all but a compilation of various common items and low level spells. Seeing the usufulness of such a spell the cleric readily prayed to her God for enlightenment.
The material components for Flame Mantle are some sulfer and alarge cloak or robe. Both of these components are consumed upon completion ofthe spell.

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