a seperator line
New Psychokinetics
by Chasmyr
a seperator line
Power Score: Wis - 4
Initial Cost: 20
Maintanance Cost: 4/round
Range: Sight
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Author: Unknown, was originally found on the Web as Vaders Suffocate. If author known, please contact Chasmyr.
Attempt to strangulate the victim with telekinesis. The victim must save vs. petrification or stay paralyzed and can do nothing. Saving or not the victim receive 1d6 of damage per round and -2 penalty in all attack rolls and armor class. If the psionicist receive some physical damage the victim is free. The psionicist cannot attack the victim anyway or the victim will be free. The victim must need air to receive the damage and must have a identifiable throat.
For victims with strength score greater than the psionicist score the DM can allow a contest (victim strength vs psionicist wisdom) to escape the paralyzation.
Free Action protects against the damage and the paralyzation. Another psionicist with this power can negate the attack. Another psionicist with telekinesis can grant to the victim another save vs. paralyzation.
Reference: Darth Vader in Star Wars (Movie)
Power Score: The victim saves against the paralyzation at -4.
20: The psionicist suffer partial suffocation for 2 rounds (1d4 of damage and -1 penalty).
a seperator line