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Level 4 Wizard Spells

Dispel Power  Extra Dimensional Buffering  Flame Mantle  Wayfinder Portal  Witch-hunter's Mantle 
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Dispel Power (Abjuration, Psionics)

Range:			360'
Components:		V, S, M
Duration:		Instantaneous
Casting Time:		3
Area of Effect:		Special
Saving Throw:		None
Source:  Unearthed Arcania Netbook

a bloody when a this spell is cast, it has a chance to neutralize or negate psionic powers it comes in contact with. It removes active psionic powers from creatures or objects, and it disrupts the use of these within the area of effect at the instant it is cast.
This spell may either be cast upon a single known psionic effect or cast in a 30-foot, cubic area. If cast in an area, each psionic power or effect in the spell's area is checked to determine if it is dispelled.
The caster can always automatically dispel his own psionic powers, if any. Otherwise, the chance to dispel depends on the difference in level between the psionic effect and the dispelling caster. The base chance is 50% (11 or higher on 1d20 to dispel). If the caster is higher level than the creator of the psionic effect to be dispelled is, the difference is subtracted from the number needed on 1d20 to dispel (thus making it more likely that the dispel succeeds). If the caster is of lower level, then the difference is added to the number needed on 1d20 to dispel (making it less likely that the dispel succeeds). A roll of 20 always succeeds, and a roll of 1 always fails.
This spell does not affect a specially prepared psionic item, such as can be created with the empower psionic ability, unless it is cast directly upon the item. This renders the item non-operational for 1d4 rounds. An item possessed and carried by a creature gains the creature's saving throw against this effect, otherwise it is automatically rendered non-operational.
Artifacts and relics are not affected by this spell. However, some of their psionic effects may be, at the DM's option. Note that this spell can be very effective when used on charmed and similarly telepathically beguiled creatures.
The material component of this spell is a glass crystal sculpture of a brain, which must be shattered upon casting the spell. The same sculpture may never be used again, even if repaired. In campaigns that have a god of psionics or thought, a crystal sculpture of this god's holy symbol may be used instead.

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Extra Dimensional Buffering (Invocation/Evocation)

Range:		N/A
Components:	V, S, M
Duration:	12 hours
Casting Time:	1 round
Area of Effect:	1 extradimensional effect
Saving Throw:  None
Author: chasmyr

a bloody allows one extra dimensional item (ie:bag of holding) to be placed inside another(ie:flatbox, or another bag of holding) with out negative reprecussions for up to 12 hours. Obviously, when the spell runs out, the normal results apply.
This spell functions by "holding" the extra dimensional space of the object with the buffering spell applied. This allows the object to be placed into another extra-dimensional space without the negative side effects. It will affect any and all items possessing extra-dimensional properties from a bag of holding to a warp marble. The material components are the object to be affected, 100gp diamond, pinch ruby dust(10 gp.

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Flame Mantle (Enchantment/Charm)

Range: = Touch 
Duration: = 5rds. +1rnd/lvl
Casting Time: = 4
Area of Effect: = 1 artical of clothing(cloak)
Saving_Throw: = NONE
Materials: = V,S,M
Discoverer: = Renrac Kered

a bloody flame Mantle is a Elemental spell of fire. Upon successful casting of this spell the recipiants non-magical cloak or robe is consummed bymagical fire. For the duration of the spell the fire retains the shape and sizeof the consummed item, upon completion of this spell the fire fades tonothingness. Once cast the recipiant can't remove the fire as it is magicallyconnected to his body. Only a successful Dispel Magic or at the casters wishwill the fire extinguish. The mantle imbues the recipient with Protection fromFire, as per the third level priest spell. It also imparts a +2 saving throwbonus against Cold-Based magical attacks and total immunity to natural cold. Anycreature attempting to engage the holder of the Mantle in close combat willrecieve 1d4+1/casters level of fire damage per round of engagment.
This spell was invented by Alora Celest, a cleric priestess of Sol, god of fire and light.
The original application of this spell wasn't even a spell at all but a compilation of various common items and low level spells. Seeing the usufulness of such a spell the cleric readily prayed to her God for enlightenment.
The material components for Flame Mantle are some sulfer and alarge cloak or robe. Both of these components are consumed upon completion ofthe spell.

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Wayfinder Portal (Alteration, Divination)

Range:  Special
Components:  V, S
Duration:  Special
Casting Time:  2 hours
Area of Effect:  Special
Saving Throw:  None
Author:  Unknown
Source: Great Net Spellbook

a bloody this spell conjures a smooth ring, visible only to the caster, which begins to crystallise at a rate according to the information used to focus it (the more information available, the faster the crystallisation), varying from 1 day to 1 week. The wayfinder portal tries to locate a target (place, thing, or person), identified by an image, location, scent, name, or magic pattern.
Once found, it can be looked at through the ring or the ring can be walked through to reach the target spot. However, the point of egress is normally not the spot watched, but some other place relatively nearby that is safe to the caster (thus the wizard might appear a day's walk away from the target or so). Also, it will not bring the caster into a private building or church which the caster has not been in before or been invited to enter into. Others cannot use the ring.

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Witch-hunter's Mantle (Abjuration, Psionics)

Range:			0
Components:		V, S, M
Duration:		1 round/level
Casting Time:		4
Area of Effect:		Touch
Saving Throw:		None
Source:  Unearthed Arcania Netbook

a bloody when this spell is cast, the target is surrounded by a luminous, green aura which completely covers him, conforming to the contours of the body. This mantle does not affect any physical, psionic, or magical abilities of the caster, but does affect psionic powers and charms which are cast against the wearer of the mantle. The effects are:
A) + 3 on all saving throws vs. psionic powers and enchantment/charm spells that allow a saving throw. The mantle does not grant a saving throw against spells or powers that do not normally allow one.
B) +2 on all psionic defense rolls, if the target has such defenses.
C) Halves all damage from psionic powers, including the 5 psionic attacks and all physically damaging psionic powers.
The mantle protects only the target of the spell, and not his possessions or companions. The material component of this spell is a piece of clothing or armor taken from a holy warrior. It is consumed in the casting.

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