a seperator line
the fire rat itself
a seperator line
Fire Rat
Climate/Terrain: City, Sewers
Frequency: Rare(11%)
Organization: Pack
Activity Cycle: Night
Diet: Scavengers
Intellignce: Semi (2-4)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
No. Appearing: 5-50
AC: 5
MV: 12
HD: 3+4
Special Attacks: Each Succesfull attack has a 5% chance of causing disease unless a save vs poison is made. Breath Weapon: Fireball: range:5', Damgae: 3d6(save for half) 1/day
Special Immunities: immune to fire-based damage
Magic Resistance: N/A
Size: Small(2'-4' long)
Morale: 7-9
XP: 500
Apperance: A 3' long giant reddish-brown rat.
Combat: Prefers retreat, but will fight if cornered. The breath weapon will only be used if struck in combat. This assures a victim is in range.
Habitat: Dwells in the sewers of the City of Mirrors and is believed by members of the Bestiary Society to be a recent mutation of giant rat brought on by the high concentration of magic in the City.
The fire rat will breed true 20% of the time. Any result of a mating will be either a fire rat or a normal giant rat.

a seperator line
Download the Core Rules 2 Export file for the Fire Rat here
a seperator line
a bunch of peons working...
a seperator line