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Archetype - Rebellious College Mage
by Prometheus (
Basics Skills Description
Age: 20-25
Race: Human
Profession: Mage

Body: 4
Quickness: 3
Strength: 3
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 5
Willpower: 5
Essence: 6
Reaction: 4
Magic: 6

Edges/Flaws: College Education, Aptitude (Sorcery), Hunted -2,

Skills: Sorcery 5, Conjuring 4, Enchanting 4, Magic Theory 5, Firearms 3, Etiquette (Corp) 3, Etiquette (College) 2, Philosophy 2,

Spells: Analyze Magic 4 Barrier 4 Mana Barrier 4 Armor 4 Heal 5 Sleep 4 Powerball 5

The rebellious college mage is a mage of corporate upbringing who was sent to a top magical college to prepare him for a long life of service to his parents corporation. Unfortunately, while in college he realized that there was life beyond the walls of the corporate enclave. He is determined to live his life outside of the corporate fold and how better to do that than to become a shadowrunner. He also has nominated a particular cause to champion through shadowrunning. His old corporation is hunting for him to "convince" him to return to their employment.
Gear Cyberware/Bioware
Hermetic Libraries (Disk): Sorcery 5, Conjuring 4, Enchanting 3, Data Display System w/ 250 mps, Armor Jacket (5/3), Ares Viper Slivergun w/ 60 shots, Streetline Special w/ 10 shots, Ares Predator w/ Laser Sight, Silencer, 100 shots, Goggles w/ Thermographic, 2 Concealable Holsters, Middle Lifestyle (4 Months Prepaid), 1,133 Nuyen in Certified Credsticks, 3 Contacts, None


"The pay is good. My team is certainly equipped. But is it really the right thing to do?"
"What would Socrates say about this?"
"Isn't this just wiz!"

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