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Custom AeroSpace Flit Mk. 2

    The Custom AeroSpace Flit was designed as a luxury craft for wealthy ultralight enthusiast.   Powered by a modified Ares X2-A, the flit has more speed and load capacity than virtually any craft of a similar size.  Due to the extra thrust vents on the Ares X2-A, the flit has the unique ability to take off and land on very short runways.   Despite a large ad campaign the Flit failed to sell well to hobbyist, partially because the first production version had atrocious handling.   Though this flaw was quickly fixed in future production runs  (giving birth to the Mark 2) its bad reputation killed its sales.  Luckily for Custom AeroSpace when the smuggler world discovered its small radar cross section and sealed cargo bay, fixers started buying the Flit in large numbers.  Since then the Flit has become a common sight in major smuggling hubs ranging from Denver to New Orleans. 

Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Sig







Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load






Seating 1 Setup/Breakdown N/A
Entry o Landing/Takeoff VS
Fuel Electric ( 100 PF ) Economy 0.5 km/PF
DP Cost 1076 Cost 269,000 ¥
Template Ultralight Reference The Shop
Features Signature Improvement (Level 1)
Speed Increase (Level 30)
Load Increase (Level 20)
Increased Cargo Space (CF 8)
Increase Fuel Tank Capacity (Level 10)
Improved Economy (Level 20)
SunCell Power
Acceleration Increase (Level 3)
Sensors (Level 1)
Autonav (Level 2)
Handling Improvement (Level 2)

GM Notes: If you feel a need to discredit a certain fixer with your players here is a neat trick: Have the fixer sell then a Flit Mk. 1 that he passes off as a Mk. 2. (The Flit Mk. 1 is the same as above except that its handling is 5.)  For even more zany fun with your players don't tell them that they have been had until the next time they have to make some crucial manuevers to keep ahead of danger.

The Shop was written and is being maintained by James Ojaste. The latest version can be downloaded from his Shadowrun page.