Welcome to Insanity

YoU'rE jUsT jEaLoUs ThE vOiCeS tAlK tO mE!!

Elyssian girlHigh Archeon of Elyssia Raederle. This is before I came to your realm. I am, in fact, one of the youngest Archeons in power, but the Dark Ones consider me a great threat. Most of them are old, and rather uncreative. They fear the ways in which I weave my magic art.

cute captainCaptain Raederle Schala McDermot. Here I have entered and worked my way up through Starfleet. My surname, I took from my friend Jaro McDermot, who helped me alot when I first entered the Universe.

Penguin is as Penguin doesSerena the Evil Penguin. She murdered Emperor Komishi and made the Penguin Empire a matriarcy.

equality for TribblesThe Jazz Tribble. A happy-go-lucky creature, about the only thing that you could do to make her angry would be to slander or to harm other Tribbles.

???Rae of Light. Mysterious sentient beam of light that occasionally visits Outpost 10F.

Mysterious AngelFriendly Angel. She may not be what she appears. Though she seems quiet and sweet, a sadistic nature sometimes displays itself. It brings to mind the chant of another friendly angel:
Hail, hail, fire and snow
Call the Angel we will go.
Far away, for to see
Friendly Angel, come to me!

assasin wizardessShmendrryk. Proud member of The Assassin's Guild.

More Personalities to come.



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SuperDeformed Graphics

Links at the bottom are the sources of some of these pictures.

Kewl Spots
The ChronoTrigger Temple Tiffany's Homepage A Twisted Little Picture Gallery

<bgsound src="midis/600overworld.mid" loop=infinite>Featured Music: 600AD Music from ChronoTrigger


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