Detailing the Dragon

Now that the teeth and tongue have been installed, it's time to put the pieces together and add some details to the Dragon Head.

First off, attach the upper and lower jaws together using two-part 5 min. epoxy cement. You can try Cyano-acrylic (super-glue) if you like, but epoxy is better. After the epoxy has cured, work a ribbon of Sculpey along the upper and lower jaw surfaces, just behind the teeth. This is for the reptilian "cheeks." Blend the ribbons of Sculpey so that an even surface results for the cheeks to adhere to.

Cut a triangular "pizza slice" shaped piece of flattened Sculpey and press it against the unbaked Sculpey.

Smooth the "Pizza slices" and add details with a needle or other appropriate tool. For added realism be sure to push the cheeks slightly into the mouth.

Now add some lips...after applying a thin coat of petroleum jelly along the jaw line surfaces, work a ribbon of Sculpey (the Clay Gun is ideal for making the ribbon) and blend it agaist the side of the jaw. Using a thin needle tool, scribe individual scales along the jaws. When you have done this, use a brush with alcohol to soften the scribed lines. Note in the picture that I have completed the upper jaw lips and have started the lower jaw.

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