
"Let's Blow Stuff Up!"

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Shadowrun II is another predominant game on campus, and these GMs like to allow multiple character playing. Speaking of which, our team made the Kingdome fall down again in Seattle, during a pro-Goblinization rally, however we did manage to keep all of the keynote speakers and the rock star Troll Troll DeTroll from being injured. For once. Nine were found dead after mysteriously collapsing from fatigue or something, (aka sleep spell) before the rafters collapsed, apparently after being eaten through by a couple of acid bombs. The launcher of those acid bombs was giving his account of what happened during the incident for national TV, when the police were tipped off by a phone call and arrested him. For the real story, go here.

(Shadowrun info courtesy of Colleen Bair)

Will Czyzewski has volunteered to take over this page. So if you have any suggestions, feel free to e-mail him at

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