101 Ways to Eat a Chig...
Brought to you by #Space on IRC and other SAABers who have stopped by
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ChuckBear - chig sandwich
Elroy-L - sauteed, with a few mushrooms and onions
Romana - chiggin soup
CrazyCat - Chiggin fingers!
CrazyCat - Kentucky Fried Chiggin!
Diablo - Chiggin Tenders!
Diablo - Chiggin wings
ChuckBear - Chiggin McNuggets!
Elroy-L - McChigets
ChuckBear - McChiggin sandwich
MoonFlyer - BBQ Chig
ciaobb - chiggen cordon bleu
ChuckBear - Rotisserie Gold Chig!
CrazyCat - chiggin bits
Diablo - Boston Baked Chiggin
Elroy-L - Deviled Chigs
CrazyCat - Chiggin flavored Ramen soup!
ciaobb - chiggen cacciatore
Diablo - Stir Fried Chiggin
ChuckBear - Chiggin parmesan!
Elroy-L - Chiggen Stix candy
ciaobb - Chiggin Noodle Soup
ChuckBear - Teriyaki Chiggin!
ciaobb - Chiggin Salad Sandwiches
Elroy-L - Chiggen Fried Rice
ChuckBear - Kung Pao Chiggen!
ChuckBear - Paper Wrapped Chiggen!
Diablo - Chiggen Con Carne
Diablo - Dinte Moore Chiggin Stew
ciaobb - Honey Garlic Chiggen Wings...
Diablo - Marinated Chiggen Breasts in honey
Elroy-L - Chiggen A la King
ChuckBear - Chiggen Quesadillas
TopCatO - cajun blackened Chiggen
jack_ryan - chiggin catchatore
Diablo - Chiggin Pot pie
Diablo - Chiggin and Shrimp
ChuckBear - Chigeen Chow Mein
Romana - chiggen low fat sausages to go with the pancakes
MoonFlyer - Chocolate covered Chig
Mike LeClair - Fried Chig
Mike LeClair - Chig Toast!
Bubba - You can boil em, fry em, bake em, make Chig Burgers ect.
Gardge - The USMC special- raw, bloody, and preferably still alive.
trustno1 - Chiggin Bourguignon
Kevin Guiton - Chig Knödel (Knödel are a Bavarian speciality)
Andrew - Chiggin Burger
Andrew - Chiggen Fries
Andrew - Shake and Bake Chiggin
Andrew - Fried Chiggin
Andrew - Cooked Chiggin
EndersWAR1 - Some people don't think you can eat a chig....but you got to know how to cook 'em! You can't stick them in a microwave! It's a crockpot thing.....
Glenn - Chig Mac
Cabe Bedlam - Roast Chig on a spit. Slowly baste it as it rotates over a nice hot blaze.
Oscar - Chigs ā la mode d'Oscar: The finest filets boiled in a Bourdeaux-wine!
Amanda957 - Fettuchigie Alfredo
J.D. - Chig-in-a-can (kinda like SPAM)
J.D. - Chigdogs (either way, straight, or like corndogs)
J.D. - Chig dip (great with Fritos!)
J.D. - creme de le chig soup
Sara Pogatshnik - Kaibarovsk: The main component of potted meat is mechanically separated chiggin....
Oliver Newton - Chiggin' fried steak!
Jason Tom - Chignuts Roasting over an open fire
Jason Tom - Chig flambe in a big bowl, cooked for 4 hours at 500 degrees F. and placed over an open flame for 10 minutes( gives it that smokey taste), preferably well done.
Doomer37 - Chile con Chiggy
kc7nry - Chiggin` biskits
CobaltSix - Chig-n-a-bisquit
CobaltSix - Chig-on-a shingle
CStuUSMC - Chunky Chiggin Salad
CStuUSMC - or for the squeamish, Turtle Soup - it tastes just like Chiggin!
CStuUSMC - Chigg Pate on Plastique toast washed down -w- a shot of liquid nitrogen
JMilesRM and JRichardsonRM - Chiggen Kiev
JMilesRM and JRichardsonRM - Chig n' 2 veg
JMilesRM and JRichardsonRM - Chiggin toasty toppers
Red Dwarf - Chiggin Vindaloo (One of Dave Lister's faves)
Red Dwarf - Chiggin Tikka massala (another of Lister's faves)
JMilesRM and JRichardsonRM - Chiggin Pie and Chips
JMilesRM and JRichardsonRM - Chig au Vin
JMilesRM and JRichardsonRM - Chig Pot Noodle
JMilesRM and JRichardsonRM - Chiggen Stock Cubes
JMilesRM and JRichardsonRM - Chig mush: just scrape out the green gooey insides and serve on toast! (Hawkes prefers his on waffles.)
JMilesRM and JRichardsonRM - Chiggen Flavoured crisps
JMilesRM and JRichardsonRM - Chiggen Kebab
New Additions
Balder - chigie calzone
Balder - Turkey Pizza with Chig and Dog
Balder - Döner Chig (similar to a Kebap, but only similar)
Balder - Labskaus with Chig (German speziality, esspacially in the nothern part of the country)
To add your own recipe to the list mail me at:
Chig Cook Book last updated 07/20/99
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