

First I must tell you about the Toy Makers Guild...

In the East there is a small group of Lunars who are great craftsmen. They delight in creating new things. Besides being craftsmen, they are also ancient, powerful wizards. And they take great pride and joy from making powerful magical artifacts.

The art of artifact making may be lost to the rest of the world, but not to them. These Lunars created a guild to guard the secret of how to create powerful artifacts (level 4 and 5). However, the guild also served as a place for the Lunar to show off their latest creations. After all, what good is making a magic item if you can't show it off? They named the guild the Toy Makers Guild because to them, the artifacts were toys.

After many hundreds of years, a purpose was finally discovered for these "toys." A Solar exalted in the East and told a guild member about his mission. The Toy Makers Guild could now put their "toys" to good use. At present, guild members wander the countryside hiding artifacts in caves, ruins, and manses, in the hopes that a Solar will discover them. If a member comes across a Solar, they give him a magic item. The guild hopes that their hard work will rewarded by the Solars stopping the Dragon-Blooded from hunting down innocent Lunar and other such wrong acts.

It was a member of the Toy Makers Guild that I met after I exalted.

Her name is Celestia, and she helped to protect my village. She was kind and gentle, and often walked around in her rabbit form. After exalting, I decided to ask her for help. That is when she decided to take me on as her apprentice. I learned about the guild and helped her hide artifacts. She not only taught me how to cast spells, but gave me the singing staff I now have.

After two years, Celestia heard of a Solar named Dragon. Dragon was the captain of a ship off the coast. Celestia decided it was time that I fulfilled my destiny and purpose as a Solar--and do some good in the world. So, she sent me to meet this Dragon, and gave me a spell book to study on my journey.

Now I am aboard Dragon's ship, going to who knows where. My past behind me, my future ahead--what is to happen next?

Character Stuff