The City of High Caladon
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Caladon is the capital of the Kingdom of Caladon, and is also considered the capital of the Castle Kingdoms Alliance. It is a large city of about 200,000 people, sprawling to the south and east of King Mark's castle and the council buildings.

City Politics

The castle and council buildings have always been seperate from the main city as a precautionary measure. Attached to the circular council chambers are the dwellings of the various representatives and ambassadors.

Each representative and ambassador keeps an honor guard for ceremonial and protection purposes. The dwellings are usually fortified to some degree and walled. The area itself is also walled and patrolled as all people and buildings of importance are here. It should also be remembered that this seperation is also for protection as not all countries and ambassadors are considered friendly, and not all are liked by everybody in the city.

Law and Order

The rest of the city is well maintained. The city guard is well trained and well armed to ensure that law and order prevail in the rest of the city. They come by any given point once every 50 minutes, day or night. They wear chain mail, carry medium shields (AC 4), and are armed with broad swords.

Trade and Lodging

Caladon is mostly populated by humans. Due to its commercial and mining status, there are guilds and plenty of accomodation in the city. The merchants guild takes care of trade visitors from other kingdoms, and everybody else must find a tavern or inn.

Most notable of Caladon's merchants are Kazan & Son, dwarven merchants specializing in armor and weapons. They have usefull contacts in the Star Guild, and maybe access to magic if the price is right.

Their fiercest competition is Agrik & Company. They are more general merchants, but have all that an adventurer would need for any kind of adventure. They have a couple outlets in the city itself, and their main warehouse is located just east of the city.

Racial Harmony

The inner city is mostly human, with a spattering of dwarves, and an occasional gnome. The outer areas are more racially mixed as you leave the main hustle and bustle of city life. Food and livestock are traded in markets along the roads out of Caladon.

There is a lot more racial tolerance in the city of Caladon than in most other large cities, being that other races are more common and almost have to be accepted due to the ambassadors from other countries.