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Within the Caladon Mountain Alliance there are 4 primary guilds that are widespread throughout the Alliance and a number of lesser guilds scattered throughout the kingdoms.
Primary Guilds | Lesser Guilds
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The four primary guilds of the alliance are all involved with the main economy of the region -- metals. They are the Mining, Forge, Merchant, and Star Guilds. Each is a significant force in domestic and inter-kingdom policy. Each has its own headquarters and their own armed guard.
All primary guilds respect the territories of the others and there is a great deal of cooperation and long-term understanding between them.
The guild armed forces wear the guild colors and arms of the guild they protect. They are under control of the guild and can be provided to the guild's members, for a price. The primary tasks of the guild guards are to protect caravans, guild sites, and act as bodyguards for guild VIP's and distinguished guests.
The Mining Guild is an effective union of mine workers and operators. It is a predominantly dwarven guild and is involved with the digging of new mines, extraction of ores, protection of mine sites, and setting the prices for ores.
The Guild is headquarted in Cerkstar city. The Guild works very closely with the Forge Guild, which is its major customer. The Guild's colors are grass green and black.
The Forge Guild is mainly a dwarven guild responsible for the smelting of ores into metal ingots, mixing metals to form alloys, and the manufacture of metal items from weapons and armor to pots and pans and even construction uses.
The Forge Guild has a quality stamp on all items they manufacture and they are known outside the kingdoms for their high quality. The combination of rare metal alloys and their forge skills has meant their arms and armor have been exported throughout the continent and realize a significant premium over 'normal' equipment.
The Forge Guild has very close links with the Mining Guild. It also has links with the Star Guild and have been known to work jointly on projects using star metal for weapons and armor.
The Guild is headquartered in High Caladon and their colors are yellow and orange, the color of the flame.
The Merchant's Guild is really a consortium of major trade players in the Alliance. They are responsible for most imported goods from outside the kingdoms and for the sale and transport of all guild property within the kingdoms.
A mixture of all races, the guild is cosmopolitan and forward looking. Any merchant can join if recommended by an existing member. There are rules for the treatment of fellow members with regards to trade, and the guild does sit to resolve any conflicts between its members. Obviously all non-Guild merchants are seen as fair game.
There are members from the other areas of the continent from Argent just to the south and far to the north. They are welcomed to provide useful links to other markets.
The headquarters are in High Caladon and their colors are maroon and white.
Mining Guild | Forge Guild | Top | Star Guild
The Star Guild is a mage's guild. Once the star metal had been found in Cerk, it soon became renowned within certain circles for its magical properties. A lot of interest was shown in this metal and mages of all persuasions wanted it. The guild was set up early in the kingdoms for two reasons -- to research into the properties of this metal (see below) and to keep it out of the hands of any evil powers.
The Guild is made up of mages from the good & lawful axis of alignments. All mages of any level are welcome to join the Guild and are tested for suitability to task. Any that show dubious character or intent are expelled. The guild provides training for all mages and specialists, at a price....
The guild is also free to pursue its work away from the restrictions of day to day life. Each kingdom in the alliance has agreed by charter to assist the Star Guild in research, and to protect the guild as an Alliance resource in return for the right to expect the guild to help protect the Alliance from outside forces and interference.
A guild member is a mage that has yet to reach 10th level. They are mostly seen as intermediaries with the outside world working on guild business. A guild mage of 10th level is normally involved in research, but when outside receives a great deal of respect everywhere in the Alliance and is seen on par with nobility and treated accordingly.
The guild has its headquarters in Cerkstar. Guild members wear sky blue, while guild mages wear deep prussian blue with a golden star.
These are a combination of professional and location driven guilds There are 5 known in the Alliance. All guilds will provide training for their members at a price.
Guild Sentinel Cathunian Thuan Defenders Dalsu Rangers Secret Path |
Profession Warrior Warrior Warrior Ranger/Scout Thief/Bard/Mage |
Location Cerk/Caladon Cathu/Dalsu/Elzon Garm/Thu/Dhu Dalsu Everywhere.... |
All warrior guilds recognize and respect each other, even if there are strong rivalries. They all existed before the alliance was brokered and at one time fought against each other. This is not completely forgotten....
The Dalsu Rangers are highly respected and revered as the best scouts around. They are specifically trained in mountain and forest warfare and survival. They also have strong links with the Rock Brotherhood, a separate alliance of stone and mountain giants that live in the Caladon Mountains. This has given them far better insight into mountain terrain and tracking than all other similarly classed warriors.
The secret path is a rogues' guild. It speaks its own cant and trains thieves, bards and mages who would prefer to avoid the good image of the Star Guild. All training is at a price, of course, or maybe you could do something for them in return.... Sometimes a useful source of information, again at a price, when in cities and looking for people and the underworld.
Other guilds that may be evil oriented are not publicized and remain unknown....