The Kingdom of Dalsu
Copyright 1998, F. S.

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Dalsu is the smallest kingdom and the least developed. It has the highes altitude and is significantly colder than the others.


Even after 400 years have passed, the stone giants remember too well the initial attacks of the North on their homeland and its destruction. The stone giants living in the North were forced into the conflict and many innocents were killed as the land was completely overrun and their communities were destroyed. Those that managed to escape came to the mountains surrounding this timy kingdom.

Until then, they had always remained neutral to the affairs of men, but after the horrors described, a number of giants wanted revenge. To do this, they formed the Rock Brotherhood in Dalsu. This is a significant band of over 100 giants that became involved in the defenses against the North. They worked with the dwarves on building fortificationsand gave great knowledge about the mountains. They were prepared to fight.

No attack came, but the Rock Brotherhood exists today anbd male giants come down from their mountain communities and take turns maintaining the defenses to show their solidarity. They are a good source of knowledge about the North and that conflict.

Quick Facts

Although not icy by any means, it has not developed the same agriculture as the other kingdoms and remains quite well forestec and wild.

It is a true dwarven kingdom. Other races are accepted but do not tend to stay and live here. Trade brings humans and other merchants, but a rare few stay, like the 'ranger-types.'

Law and Order

The kingdom is a feudal government, ruled from the capital, Dakrim.

King Erik, a dwarf, is the well respeted king and leader. In true dwarven fashion, he is the leader in war, and is an extremely formidable warrior.

Rule is partially through Barons, but the king can and does rule directly as the kingdom is small. There is little dissension, all obey willingly. It is very Lawful Good in alignment.

Each lodge along roads maintains a garrison of well-armed dwarves ready for any threat to the area.

Alliance Concerns

Being kingdom-locked, it has developed as a hub for communications since the Northern threat. It maintains excellent roads and joins the 2 most likely targets for a Northern attack -- Caladon and Cathu.


The kingdom has a few mines in the area that provided the initial boost to create the kingdom. These are soft metals such as silver and gold. The mines are in the mountains on the southern border.

There are plenty of coaching lodges along the roads, and provide staging and housing for couriers.