Got a good Monster? Just fill out this simple form and click a button at the bottom. Your Name: Your E-mail: Name: Climate/Terrain: Diet: Frequency: Common Uncommon Rare Very Rare Unique Organization: Activity Cycle: Intelligence: Treasure: Alignment: # Appearing: Armor Class: Movement: Hit Dice: # of Attacks/Type: Damage per Attack: Special Attacks: Special Defenses: Magic Resistance: Size, in Feet: Morale: For this section, the minimum required to get your monster in the site is a working description. You need not be Stephen King, Robert Jordan, or J.R.R. Tolkien. A quick, sloppy description will do, so long as I can "see" it. Appearance: For the combat section, I'll need to understand how this monster fights and what kind of tactics it usually likes to employ. Does it make use of any special skills or characteristics? Combat: Habitat/Society (not required): Ecology (not required):
Just fill out this simple form and click a button at the bottom.
Your Name: Your E-mail:
For the combat section, I'll need to understand how this monster fights and what kind of tactics it usually likes to employ. Does it make use of any special skills or characteristics?
Habitat/Society (not required):
Ecology (not required):