minis / empires / scenarios

Scenarios for Demonworld Empires

After the rules for each scenario, you also find rules on scoring for Empires tournaments and a short German summary.

(Wer kein Englisch versteht, findet am Ende jedes Abschnitts zumindestens eine kurze Zusammenfassung in Deutsch).

  1. Settlers of Emessa: Build the biggest Empire
  2. Make Money Fast: Who cares for cities and armies? Cash counts!
  3. Machiavelli: Dominate your neighbors

Settlers of Emessa

In this scenario players try to build a fast growing, strong empire.

The player with the most scenario points (SP) at the end of the game wins. 
Decisive victory:
The game ends as soon as one player has 15 scenario points at the end of a game turn. The first player who has 15 or more scenario points at the end of a game turn wins the game. If more than one player has 15 or more scenario points, apply the tiebreakers listed below to end the game. 

Scenario points (SP) are awarded as follows:

The last three SPs are not awarded to anyone if there is a tie for biggest army, empire or navy; of course as the game goes on these SPs can be transferred from one player to the other as army, empire and navy sizes change. Note that destroying a player's capital does not eliminate him or her from the game, it simply makes winning harder for the victim due to the 3 SP penalty for losing one's capital.

Tie break (not used in tournament games): If the game ends with more than one player at 15 or more SPs, apply the following tie breaks until one of them decides the game:

  1. Most SPs
  2. Most GPs left in the treasury
  3. Most cities (only) under a player's control
  4. Biggest army (see SP list above)
  5. Biggest empire
  6. Biggest navy
  7. Coin flip.

Tournament scoring: The winner of the game gets 2 tournament points (3 in case of a decisive victory). The loser (in multiplayer games: the player with the smallest number of SPs) gets 0 tournament points. All other players (both players in case of a tie, or the players who neither won or lost in multiplayer games) get 1 tournament point (players who finished with 15 or more SPs, but did not win because another player had as many or more SPs at the end of the game, get 2 tournament points).

In addition, the number of scenario points of every player is considered as tie breaker for the tournament positioning of players.

Deutsche Zusammenfassung: Spieler bekommen Siegpunkte für Städte, Dörfer, etc wie oben aufgelistet. Wer am Ende die meisten Siegpunkte hat, gewinnt; erreicht ein Spieler am Ende einer Runde 15 Siegpunkte, hat er/sie sofort gewonnen.

Make Money Fast

This scenario is about making money out of your empire. Political power, army size or the territory of your empire are all just means to the one end, making money fast.

The player with the most cash (gold pieces, GPs) at the end of the game wins. If this player has 50% more GPs than the player with the second largest treasury it is a decisive victory.

Penalty for losing a capital: Players whose capital is destroyed remain in play. However, immediately after the capital is destroyed, the victim must lose 500 GPs from his or her treasury (note that is is simply lost, it does not go into the treasury of any other player). If there is not enough money in the treasury, the treasury is emptied completely. In addition, units worth at least the difference between the treasury and 500 must be removed from the game board. Example: Sue plays an Empire army and has 420 GPs remaining in her treasury when her capital is destroyed. So she has to remove units worth at least 80 GPs from the board. Looking at her options, she could remove one Mob from the board - this would exactly cover the needed 80 GP. However, her Mob unit is currently in a great position to threaten an enemy town, so Sue decides to remove a unit of Pikemen instead. This is worth more than the necessary 80 GP.]

Taking captives: When this scenario is played, the optional rules for taking captives are always used. 

[Alternative victory condition (not used in tournaments): The first player who ends a recruitment phase with 5000 GP or more in his or her treasury (after paying for upkeep and new troops, buildings etc - but if you are about to win you simply won't need to buy anything anymore...) wins the game. If more than one player has 5000 GP or more left after the same recruitment phase, the player with more GP wins. If this still ties the game, use the tie breakers as listed in the 'Settlers of Emessa' scenario. If you want shorter or longer games, simply decrease or increase the amount of money needed for a victory.]

Tournament scoring: A player must have at least 100 GP more than any other player to win - if the difference between the largest and second largest treasury is less than 100 GP, the game is a tie. The winner gets 2 tournament points (3 for a decisive victory). The loser (in multiplayer games: the player with the smallest treasury at game end) gets 0 tournament points. All other players (both players in case of a tie, or the players who neither won or lost in multiplayer games) get 1 tournament point. 

In addition, the amount of GP in every player's treasury at game end is divided by 250 (round down) and used as scenario points/tie breaker for the tournament positioning of players. However, a player can never get more than 15 scenario points in this way, even if he/she has more than 4000 GPs.

Deutsche Zusammenfassung: Der Spieler, der am Spielende am meisten Geld hat, gewinnt. Wieviele Städte, Dörfer, Regionen etc man kontrolliert, ist nur Mittel zum Zweck des Geldverdienens, aber für das Spielergebnis egal.


This scenario focuses on growing your empire at the expense of your neighbors.

The player who controls most regions at the end of the game wins. If more than one player control the same number of regions, the game is a tie. If the winner controls at least 5 more regions than the player with the next largest number of regions it is a decisive victory. In multiplayer games with more than two players per game board, e.g. a three player game on one board, only 3 more regions are needed for a decisive victory. Example: Bob, Sue and Joe play on one game board. At the end o the game, Bob controls 2 regions, Sue 6 and Joe 3 (the remaining 3 regions are contested between several players). Sue has 3 more regions than Joe and scores a decisive victory. If this game would have happened on 2 boards, she would only have scored a normal victory.
Sudden death: If the capitals of all players but one are destroyed, the last remaining player immediately wins a decisive victory.

Losing a capital: A player whose capital is destroyed is immediately eliminated from the game. If this does not end the game (because more than one player remains in a multiplayer game), all units of the eliminated player are immediately removed from the board. All buildings and sites that were controlled by him or her remain on the board. They are controlled by noone and contribute no GPs for any player until a player takes control of them by moving into them (note that sites are usually destroyed in this case).

Tournament scoring: The winner gets 2 tournament points (3 in case of a decisive victory). The loser (the player with the smallest number of regions) and all players whose capital was destroyed get 0 tournament points. All other players (both players in case of a tie, or the players who neither won or lost in multiplayer games) get 1 tournament point if (and only if) they remain in play at the end of the game. 

In addition, every player who destroyed at least one capital, but did not score a decisive victory, gets one additional tournament point (this can happen in multiplayer games where a player destroys another player's capital but still does not win). Note that this tournament point is also awarded to players who are later eliminated from the game, but that there is never more than one such tournament point per player, even if a player destroyed more than one capital in a multiplayer game.

The number of regions controlled by each player at game end is used as scenario points/tie breaker for the tournament positioning of players. If a player wins by sudden death, he or she is assumed to take control of the whole board and gets scenario points for all regions on the board.

Deutsche Zusammenfassung: Der Spieler, der am Spielende die meisten Provinzen kontrolliert, gewinnt. Spieler, deren Hauptstadt zerstört wird, scheiden sofort aus dem Spiel aus.

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Last change: 23 July 2002