The Shrine of the Worship of Romsca

Dedicated to that diva of corsair ferrets...

The Divine One

illustrator Allan Curless,borrowed with great reverence from Katie Sullivan

Sounds familiar?--Guess it! (Hint--It's a Bjork tune) (guess1.mid)

Ahhh... You knew the minute you read her name you loved her. That tough female ferret named Romsca. Romsca is considered one of the minor characters from the excellant series by Brian Jacques known as Redwall . In the book The Pearls of Lutra, a group of woodland creatures must save their Abbot from the mad pine marten, Ublaz Mad Eyes. They journey to Sampetra, a tropical isle thriving with monitors and corsairs. Romsca is one of these pirates. Romsca isn't like other corsairs. Though a tough ferret and a good killer like all her kind, she comes to care for an mouse Abbot named Durral and a young bankvole named Viola. If you have not read The Pearls of Lutra, then I won't tell you what becomes of our good Lady Romsca. But I hope you will come to love and worship her like me. Let us all come together in the worship of Romsca!

This site is and always will be under constant construction.

Visit my other sites--

Ravenwolf's Guide to Redwall Mustelids
Aiken County Wildlife Organization Directory
Go Tardigrade Go!
Ravenwolf's File page

Romsca the Divine Ferret Goddess

(or the Romsca Hymn)

Hail mighty Romsca!
Mistress of the Musteline
Oh wondrous lady corsair,
You can kill me anytime!

Hail mighty Romsca!
Oh how we wish we were thee,
Sailing on blue oceans,
Singing an old chantey!

Congratulations Sandy!

Winner of the Name That Midi Contest

As of January 15,2002.
What's New-- Midi Contest --Banner

The Worshippers (other worshippers of Romsca)

Worshipper membership--join today by just filling in a form!
The Romsca Cult Just what are ferrets anyway? A lynx and her links
Yarns and Sea Chanteys
The Sea Gallery
Ferret Facts
Other Literary Ferrets
The Coven
The Lynx's Links

Now be a dear and sign my guestbook! If you don't well...I'll just have to get Romsca to slash a few throats, eh?

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Email me at in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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"Lady and Ermine" by Leonardo da Vinci, Lynx in Sunset is by Filbert. Click on the hyperlinks to see full original pictures.All art other is by me unless mentioned otherwise. Feel free to distribute my art, but use my name.

"Romsca" is the property of Brian Jacques. All characters of the Redwall books are not owned by me. Thank you Brian Jacques for creating Romsca. "Ravenwolf the lynx" is my creation, however. No stealing of my persona please.

This should go without saying, but *NO*, I do not worship in Romsca in real life. I do not have real physical alters to her or some such. I just love this character and thought that the psuedo-religious mode was an interesting way to present my page. It should also go without saying that I am *not* a lynx in real life anymore than you are any beast you claim to be other than human. ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US.

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