Shijirou's Review:
Artwork: 7 Characters: 8 Story: 6 Overall:7
What can I say about Naruto? Its about time for a Ninja title like this to be released. I was
getting tired of all the Samurai flicks. I don't know if the concept of this Anime is original, but
it sure rocks! I've never seen so much "unique" action in this series. The fighting techniques, the
awesome moves and the short-tempered, loud-mouthed hero (Naruto) all fall into place quite nicely.
At first glance you might think the intended target audience of this Anime will be for the kiddies. Wrong! The violence alone and the complexity of the story is too much for them. I especially like the
"Harem no Jutsu" technique of Naruto >_<. However, my favorite character in the series is
Kakashi-sensei, Naruto's mentor, and a very cool guy. This is highly recommended for you action type
freaks out there.