NecroMalvern Title Image

Welcome to the NecroMalvern webpages. NecroMalvern is a Necromunda campaign run in Malvern, Worcestershire, UK. If you live in the area and are looking for someone to play Necromunda against (or indeed most other Games Workshop games, it's likely that at least one of us plays) email us at

What's New

The League Table
The current status of the league

House Rules
Including new gang types and our campaign system

Guns fo Hire
Extra help for those who can afford it

For Sale/Wanted
The local notice board

The Hall of Fallen Heroes
In the darkness of the Underhive even the strong die young

Battle Reports
Newspaper articles and first hand reports on the fighting

Details of some of the gangs involved
Those marked (s) include gang sheets

Vengence of the Rat

Mirabelle's Men

Gorg's Avengers

Emporer's Justice

The Men of Steel

Spandex Militia

Caine's Bitter & Twisted Company

Emporer Doozlebat's Minions

Kingdom's Reapers(s)

Brotherhood of Thorgrimm

The Darkness of Light(s)

Strategic Weapon Of Rapid Destruction


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