Choose your Destiny....
click one of the pictures to continue
Star Wars fans e-mail me here(april)
To  read about our odd ball  rambling click here
E-mail Renee here...
Click here for a site map...well...not really, more like a list of links that we came up with off of the top of our heads...I don't know how we would map this site without umm..radar or something, but's an attempt and a little useful.
Check out our other little main page..for other things about the things here and more oddness, yes good!
this is sort of a store of un-storeness....
To see Aragorn in a fuzzy hat, Minty Elrond, Galadriel on prozac, Boromir as an elf.. and many other things, click here.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Hobbits
Agent Smith, wants you to click the picture.. there is only safey  though the door.. he asures you....
Assorted Oddness
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