Live at the SLC 3
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The Rebel Peasants "Those guys in that Band":          Recently saw their name in lights, actually it was one big light, and apparently they've changed their names to "The Rebel Pheasnats." It's kind of catchy, I guess. Plans are in the works for the new theme park Peasant World. They're quietly adjusting to a recurring house guest as well as some new pets.  

Phil Rosenbach "Scrounge":          He bought his own food and beer the other day, then hell froze over, no one is sure which was a more shocking event. There is also a rumor that he is gainfully employed, maybe he works for the same company that hired Pooky.  

Jim Rohrlack "Keebler elf boy":           He is happily living in his little hollow tree working on convincing people that Jim Shorts is actually a person and he is him. Cab drivers all across the nation are on the lookout for this guy, if you need a ride don't stand to close to him, they won't stop.  

Dave Schutte "Elvis":          Schutte has published his first street talk dictionary. It is projected to reach #1 on the New York Times best seller list. He was recently elected president of the Elvis Lives Foundation after marrying a woman named Priscilla. If he tells you that's not her name don't believe him.  

Nick Stoops "Stephen King":           Everybody's favorite star look alike has decided to follow his destiny and has begun his first novel, he's looking to Shaka for guidance in writing unbelievable but true stories.  

Eric Wendt "Jello":        It became official as of January 1, there is no longer room for Jello. The cause for this government decision has something to do with someone of great importance being blinded by a tremendously bright colored jacket (and there is a Democratic president). Just remember he's no longer from - FM 100 (nice boot).