The Ncc Column, 19 October 1999
by Ncc1999

Whoo, damn! What a night of wrasslin we had last night! I dont kow where to begin. Perhaps with Nitro. I must say that we saw some fine matches, and some intresting backstage interviews and fights. Im glad that the Outsiders finally got involved into somthing, as they hunted down Goldberg and all, and Jeff Jarrett's re-appearence into WCW was quite intresting. A fine quality worker that man is. Beside that, we had the first ever WCW Nightgown Match (of which Madusa appearently dissaproved), some intresting new angle involving Kim Page and David Flair, the Bret Hart/Sting match, and lots of other great happenings and matches.

Now although last night Nitro was a action packed, quality show, I must say that the Format Russo and Ferrarra used for their WCW debut was far too much of a rip-off of the WWF. Backstage interviews in locker rooms, shots of people walking around in hallways, anything we would see on RAW, now being brought over to Nitro. Sure, maybe Russ and Ferrarra invented that whole thing, but they are not in the WWF now, and unless they come up with some fresh material, I will always consider it a rip of the WWF, dont care who invented it. Other than that, they put a fine quality show on, and I applaud them.

One more thing, they like the Filthy Animals way too much, please stop.

Despite Jeff Jarrett's WCW appearence, and the booking of Russo and Ferrarra, Vince McMahon still put a better quality show. Austin/Rock/Triple H is going to be huge, the Val Venis-Al Snow match was one of the best matches I have seen in a while, the Bossman/Bighow and Test/Bulldog-Posse angles are turing out to be pretty intresting, and I love what they have done to Miss Kitty.

And of course, the Holly's are tag champs. I knew they would do it one day, but I never imagined them winning it from the Rock and Sock connection. Speaking of, what a great story it has been so far, lets hope they can keep that angle alive and end it fittingly.

Thats all for today, be sure to check out the expanded WWF Entrance themes section, bye!


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