Rankings for the week of 10/3

10. The Big Show-He gave it an effort, but even he is not big enough for the WWF Title.

9. The British Bulldog-Good for him. I glad he's not taking any crap from Triple H.

8. Triple H-THIS PUNK.....is the WWF Champion.

7. Kane- The Big Red what?

6. Chyna-I was wrong about Unforgiven, but come No Mercy, we will have a new WWF IC Champ.

5. Chris Jericho-This man has balls. What more can I say?

4. The Rock & Sock Connection-....Rock and Sock!.....Rock and Sock!.............

3. The New Age Outlaws- OH YOU DIDNT KNOW????????**cough**heel turn**cough**

2. Vincent Kennedy McMahon-I absolutely love this guy. His generosity wont last long though.

1. Stone Cold Steve Austin-If you think Stone Cold's the toughest S.O.B. on the planet, give me a hell yeah!!!!
