Hello. Wecome to the entrance themes of NccWWF. All of them are in .wav format (realplayer sucks) and are updated fequently. Enjoy!

Current Themes

The Acolytes :30
Al Snow :30
Big Bossman 3:22
The Big Show 3:19
Billy Gunn 2:29
Cactus Jack 2:32
Christian 3:23
Chyna :41
Chris Jericho 1:14
The Corporation 3:19
Debra 2:00
Degeneration X 2:47
D-Lo Brown 3:17
Droz and Prince Albert 2:00
Edge 3:37
Essa Rios and Lita :27
Gangrel 3:36
The Godfather 2:00
The Hardcore Hollys 2:14
The Hardy Boyz 1:52
HBK 2:14
Kane 3:03
Ken Shamrock 2:59
Kurt Angle :33
Mark Henry 3:19
The Mean Street Posse 2:24
Mideon 3:56
The New Age Outlaws 2:00
The Radicals :30
The Rock 3:24
Stone Cold Steve Austin 3:34
Steve Blackman 1:41
Taka Michonoku 2:00
Tazz :30
Test 2:24
Triple H(Volume 4) 3:26
Triple H :53
Too Cool 2:47
Undertaker/Big Show 2:33
Undertaker 4:40
Val Venis 3:34
Viscera 1:33
X-Pac 3:14

Past Themes

The 123 Kid 3:06
The Acolytes (old) 2:00
Al Snow 2:00
The Blue Blazer 3:11
The Big Bossman (old) 1:21
Christian 2:23
Chyna :47
The Corporate Ministry 1:20
Dan Severn 2:00
Dude Love 3:04
Edge(old) 3:14
Goldust 2:03
Triple H (w/out lyrics) 1:11
Jeff Jarett(old) ???
Kane/X-Pac 2:40
Mankind 3:05
Mankind(Jan. 99) 1:23
Marc Mero ???
The Nation 2:00
The Oddities 3:30
Razor Ramon ???
The Rock(1998) 3:03
The Rock (1999) 2:03
Sable ???
Steve Blackman(old) 2:00
Steve Austin ???
Taka Michonoku 3:54
Too Much ???
The Ultimate Warrior 1:59
Undertaker (original) 3:09
Undertaker (second) 4:22
Remix of Undertaker 2nd 3:13
Undertaker (1998) 3:34
The Union 1:22
Vader 3:03

TV Themes

Raw is War 3:34
WWF Smackdown! :25
Summerslam 1998 theme 3:27
Warzone Theme 3:14

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