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The International Plastic Modelers Society (IPMS) is a group of individuals devoted to the hobby of model building. The Des Moines chapter - also know as the Hawkeye Modelers, established 1967, and the most respected club in Iowa - is a local charter that consists of all types of modelers - men, women, young and old - building all types of models. In the Des Moines chapter, there are modelers devoted to building aircraft, armor, cars, science fiction, etc. - as well as modelers that build a "little bit of everything". There are people devoted to one era - one individual specializes in World War 1 aircraft; another specializes in models with a fictional theme, such as Star Trek and Star Wars - and people that build anything that suits them.

The Des Moines chapter boasts camaraderie and helpfulness. Everybody within the chapter is more than willing to help others in the pursuit of model building. From basic model construction to final detailing with the result of creating the model of your dreams.

The Des Moines chapter meets every-other Thursday night at Hobby Haven, 7672 Hickman Road, in Windsor Heights. See Calendar For Dates

The meeting starts promptly at 7:30 pm, lasting between one and two hours. Call Hobby Haven at 276-8785 if you have any questions. Advantages to attending the meetings and joining the chapter are: learning about the latest hobby product releases; receiving help with any part of plastic modeling; and a chance to discuss model building with others that share a common interest. The chapter has a display case within Hobby Haven for everybody to display their latest handi-work.

Plan on attending the next meeting, just to see what it's like. You'll be glad you did.

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