
Those screencaps:
First pic
Second pic
Third pic

One-shot fics

Everybody Loves You -- Xander says that wrong name at the wrong time.
On the Way Home -- Oz gives Xander some bad news.
Awake -- Xander gets a visitor.
Cat Scratch Fever -- Kitties are not always gentle critters..
Bored -- I debated whether to put this here, but I decided I might as well. Spike is bored. This is not good.
Offering -- Xander is bored. In this case, it *is* good.
Fragment -- Just a little snippet of pre-slash.
I Never -- One of the most-used plot devices. Not as fluffy as most "I Never" fic, especially in the BtVS fandom.
Though in a Dream -- Everyone has someone else’s dream.>

Umlaut Lust series
Focus -- Oz kisses Xander. Then they talk.
Favors -- Xander asks Oz to do something for him. Then Oz asks Xander to do something.
Feet -- Oz gives Xander a pedicure.
Food -- Xander and Devon get food for the band.
Fame --The band meets with a record company person.


Letters series (note: One archive has this listed as the Sometimes They Don't Come Back series, which was the title I gave it just for that archive. I have since discovered it is listed on the UCSL as the Letters series. I like this title much, much better, so I'm using it.)
Similar Features -- NC-17ish. Xander hears a story about Angel and Parker. And then Angel explains.
Unfinished Business -- Xander goes tto talk to Oz.
Time to Think -- Oz sends a letter to Xander.
One-Sided Correspondence -- Xander gets two more letters from Oz.
Just This -- NC-17ish. A discovery and a trip.
Snurch -- NC-17. A random scenee between "Just This" and "Domestic Bliss."
Domestic Bliss -- Seven years later... End of this seriess.


Useless -- Oz has a problem. Set about seven years in the future.
A New Happy Place -- Willow> knows about Oz and Xander. Sequel to "Useless." NC-17ish


The Marked series

SMO*24 Xander runs into Oz at a music festival.
The Plan Quality time in Oz's van.
Paths Xander finds out he's not the only one who screws up.
The Barbecue The two go to a barbeque.
And Then... [***NC-17***] The morning after "The Barbeque," stuff happens.
Support No matter how hard you try, sometimes the past comes back to bit you on the ass.
On the Bus The guys go on a little bus ride.
Enjoying the Evening Aimless wandering around Fremont.
*Really* Enjoying the Evening [***NC-17***] More stuff happens after they're done with Fremont.
[there are a few days between these two parts that may or may not be filled in]
The Talk Willow finds out.
Filling in the Blanks Xander, Oz, and Willow try to make things work.
The End -- End of the series. Really.
