Welcome to Yvonne's World...




My creation
Vampires - Created in 1999

Some fun pages...


Programming Languages :

  1. Javascript
  2. Java :
    1. Java 2 SDK Download
    2. Printing in Java 1.4 with the JPS API
    3. Java Web Services Tutorial 1.0
  3. Perl :
    1. Perl Tutorial
  4. Visual C++ :
    1. Microsoft Visual C++


Land of fun, fantasy and knowledge :
  1. Windows 2000 Server
  2. Linux
    1. Linux Novice
    2. Linux Tips
    3. RedHat 7.2
    4. sed Stream Editor
    5. APT-GET for RedHat9
    6. Java
      1. Installing J2EE on Linux
      2. Installing J2SE, ANT, Tomcat, Jakarta Struts on Linux
    7. Linux Networking
      1. IP Accounting
      2. Linux Traffic Control
    8. MySQL
      1. MySQL Reference Manual
      2. MySQL Reference Manual for version 4.0.0-alpha
    9. Radius - Authentication & Accounting
      1. Project WARTA: Wireless Authentication, Routing, Traffic control and Accounting
  3. Networking :
    1. Useful Port information
  4. Smart Cards: Reader / Writer / Card pricing and downloadable dev tools
  5. Learn Jap??
  6. Making Money Online
  7. Learn About How Things Work (Check it out!)
  8. << Download >> The GNU Privacy Handbook --> ref
  9. << Download >> Changing IP On The PC --> ref
  10. << Download >> Windows 2000 (interesting facts!)


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Little Devin
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