Submitting Your Deck

So, you want to submit your cards. First things first, you need to be a member of the group.

Click to subscribe to yugi_decks

Done with that? Ok. Next, you need to open up Notepad, and save often, this may take a while.

The basic outline for what I want is as simple as mine. All I ask is that you give me the nessasary information.

Nessasary information

Warning! Your cards submission must contain of the information contained in this. It it does not, it will not be put on the site and you will not be able to battle.

1. Normal Monster Cards

  1. Level (Preferably sorted by this)
  2. Monster Name (I shouldn't have to tell you, but if I didn't, someone out there wouldn't put it)
  3. Atribute (Found in top right corner)
  4. Type (Found just below picture)
  5. Atack and Defense points (Found in bottom right corner)

2. Effect Monster Cards

  1. Level (Again, preferably sorted by this)
  2. Monster Name
  3. Atribute
  4. Type (Writing the "/Effect" part is unessesary)
  5. Atack and Defense points
  6. Effect (What it says on the card)

3. Fusion Monster Cards

  1. Level (Once more, preferably sorted by this)
  2. Monster Name
  3. Atribute
  4. Type (Writing the "/Fusion" part is unessesary)
  5. Atack and Defense points
  6. The nessasary fusion monsters (What it says on the card)

4. Ritual Monster Cards

  1. Level (To reiterate, preferably sorted by this)
  2. Monster Name
  3. Atribute
  4. Type (Writing the "/Ritual" part is unessesary)
  5. Atack and Defense points
  6. Nessasary Cards (What it says on the card)

5. Magic Cards

  1. Card Name
  2. Type (denoted by the icon next to "[Magic Card"(if applicable))
  3. Effect (What it says on the card)

6. Trap Cards

  1. Card Name
  2. Type (denoted by the icon next to "[Trap Card"(if applicable))
  3. Effect (What it says on the card)

Where do I send it?

Now this is a much easier question. You've joined the group right? If you're signed into Yahoo!, you can post directly. Or, if your email works, you can mail the group, or me.

Post Script

The cards you submit must be "Tournament Legal" meaning English, Upper Deck distributed cards. Sorry about this for those of you who have a Japanise deck, but the rules are rules. If you want to use these, battle with others who have them in some other group or in real life. Also, be aware of fakes. Make sure that they are the real thing.